Kickoff comes with a robust CSS framework; it provides many sensible defaults so that you can get your project up and running in the shortest possible time.

We make use of the excellent Sass CSS preprocessor which allows us to use many extra features beyond the capabilities of vanilla CSS.

This section will take you through how Kickoff uses CSS and Sass, and how easy it is to manipulate the code when developing your own projects.


Kickoff is made with at its core. It makes developing systems-based CSS faster, easier, and more fun.

Sass has two syntaxes. The most commonly used syntax is known as “SCSS” (for “Sassy CSS”), and is a superset of CSS3’s syntax. This means that every valid CSS3 stylesheet is valid SCSS as well. SCSS files use the extension .scss; we use this version for Kickoff.

Sass structure

Kickoff structures it’s Sass files in quite a specific way. The scss directory contains the following directories:

├── README.md
├── _color-palette.scss
├── _dependencies.scss
├── _global.scss
├── _helper-classes.scss
├── _reset.scss
├── _typography.scss
├── _variables.scss
├── changelog.md
├── components
│   ├── _buttons.scss
│   ├── _code.scss
│   ├── _embedded-content.scss
│   ├── _fluid-video.scss
│   ├── _icons.scss
│   ├── _links.scss
│   ├── _lists.scss
│   ├── _media-object.scss
│   ├── _scrollbars.scss
│   ├── _skip-navigation.scss
│   ├── _tables.scss
│   ├── forms
│   │   ├── README.md
│   │   ├── _form-helpers.scss
│   │   ├── _forms-custom-file.scss
│   │   ├── _forms-custom-radioscheckboxes.scss
│   │   ├── _forms-custom-select.scss
│   │   └── _forms.scss
│   └── grid
│       ├── README.md
│       ├── _grid-helpers.scss
│       └── _grid.scss
├── functions
│   ├── _functions.scss
│   ├── _get-value.scss
│   ├── _golden-ratio.scss
│   ├── _map-deep-get.scss
│   ├── _modular-scale.scss
│   ├── _px-to-em.scss
│   ├── _px-to-rem.scss
│   ├── _strip-units.scss
│   └── _tint-shade.scss
├── kickoff.scss
├── mixins
│   ├── _hidpi.scss
│   ├── _mixins.scss
│   ├── _module-naming-helpers.scss
│   ├── _position.scss
│   ├── _responsive.scss
│   ├── _units.scss
│   ├── _utility.scss
│   └── _vertical-center.scss
├── partials
│   ├── _browser-upgrade.scss
│   ├── _footer.scss
│   └── _masthead.scss
├── styleguide.scss
└── views
    ├── _home.scss
    └── _print.scss

Views, partials & components

Our distinction between views, partials and components:


Small, self-contained files that concern one type of thing, that crucially, are reusable. For example, lists, forms etc. We have included quite a few in the directory: , , or for example, but you should add your components there too. Please the included components to see what Kickoff offers, or see some of them in action in our demo area.


Partials are partial parts of a page, like a masthead, sidebar or footer. They can have components inside them and can also be reusable. The directory should contain style partials, like _footer.scss or _masthead.scss.


Used for entire views (or pages). Usually these files consist of small tweaks that only concern a particular view. The directory should contain view-specific styles that don’t fit into their own module, think _home.scss or _recipe-page.scss for example.

N.b. We recommend that it is better to make reusable components rather than styling based on a view. Therefore, the styles in this folder _should _ be minimal.


The directory contains a few mixins that will help you day-to-day. Amongst others, _responsive.scss contains our media query mixins (read below for more info), _hidpi.scss contains our mixins for working with hiDPi (retina) styles and _utility.scss has a bunch of helpful mixins. For example, the @include font-size() mixin for specifying your font sizes with a px value but outputting both rem and px in your compiled styles.

Font-size mixin

This mixin allows input of all kinds. It essentially converts pixel values to REMs.

$module-font-size: 30px;

a {
	@include font-size(small); // uses the $type map. use a keyword to set the size
	@include font-size(20); // unitless values are seen to be px
	@include font-size($module-font-size); // vars can be used, these should be set in px


The directory contains various Sass functions that are used in the framework and that you might find useful.

Modular scale function

This function is used to generate font-sizes with a pleasing vertical rythm. The scale is based on the base font size and a scale factor, see an example of this .

Our $type sass map uses the modular-scale function extensively:

$type: (
	micro : modular-scale($font-size-base, -2, $type-scale),
	small : modular-scale($font-size-base, -1, $type-scale), // h5, h6
	base  : modular-scale($font-size-base, 0, $type-scale),  // p, h4
	mid   : modular-scale($font-size-base, 1, $type-scale),  // h3
	large : modular-scale($font-size-base, 1, $type-scale),  // h2
	jumbo : modular-scale($font-size-base, 3, $type-scale)   // h1

If you have a custom element and need to go larger or smaller on the modular scale, try using something like this:

.article-title {
	@include font-size(modular-scale($font-size-base, 4, $type-scale));

Breakpoint function

This can be used to easily get the value from the $breakpoints sass map:

bp(mid) /* 750px */

Type size function

This can be used to easily get the value from the $type sass map:

type(large) /* modular-scale($font-size-base, 2, $type-scale) */

Important files

It’s important to become familiar with all of these files so you can make full use of the framework.

All roads lead to here. This is the base SCSS file and is the hook by which Grunt compiles the projects CSS. Inspecting the source of the file reveals only one @import, for _dependencies.scss.

In older versions of Kickoff (and still available in the generator), we compile two versions of of the CSS – this is explained below:

  • kickoff.scss is compiled to /assets/dist/css/kickoff.css and is used on Internet Explorer 9+, Chrome, Safari, Firefox and Opera.
  • kickoff-old-ie.scss is compiled to /assets/dist/css/kickoff-old-ie.css and is used on Internet Explorer 8 and below only. These browsers do not support media queries and so rather than having old IE show mobile-first styles (which would suck), we serve them a slightly different CSS file instead. We use some clever Sass mixins to determine what CSS should be served – see below for more details on this.

This file is where all of Kickoff’s Sass dependencies are defined. It imports all of the scss files that will be compiled into your project.

If you need to add or remove a file, do it here. The order of the imported files is the same order that the CSS will be compiled to.

This file contains all styles that do not obviously fit within any other scss partial. For example, we include our body’s background styles and the main .l-container styles.

Try not to fill this up with all your styles though. Your Sass should be written in a modular way, and so the majority of your Sass should be organised within the components, partials or views directories.

This file contains a bunch of helper styles, like .clearfix (for clearing floats), .ir for using background image replacement, .is-hidden etc.

Sass Variables

We take full advantage of Sass’ variables and there are two key files that should be edited at the start of development on any new Kickoff project. These are scss/_variables.scss and scss/_color-palette.scss.

This is where you define your global Sass variables. Here you can define your:

  • Global typographic styles — including font choices and typographic scale.
  • Responsive breakpoints — we try not to target specific devices or device types with these variables. Instead they should be set with the design in mind. The $breakpoints sass map, contains our default breakpoints, these are used by the grid and can be referenced by using the bp(mid) sass function. See how to use the breakpoints when using our mixins, below.

Text colour, link colours, background colour, form fields and various component colours can all be set in this file.


Kickoff does not enforce a mobile first approach to CSS, but it is encouraged and it takes a fairly unique approach to responsive sites.

Media queries in Kickoff are typically handled with a . These are used so that we can define separate media-query content for < IE9 and browsers with support for media queries. These are directly related to the global $fix-mqs var defined in kickoff-old-ie.scss. kickoff-old-ie.scss ignores any content in media-queries with values less than the $fix-mqs var value.

  • respond-min for min-width media queries
  • respond-max for max-width media queries
  • respond-min-max for min-width & max-width media queries

Media query example

 * This Sass mixin:
 * The value for the width should be unitless and we suggest
 * using your predefined breakpoint variables as the argument
@include respond-min(800) {
	a {
		color: darkgoldenrod;
/* Is the same as: */
@media screen and (min-width: 800px) {
	a {
		color: darkgoldenrod;

 * All the mixins:
@include respond-min(wide) {
	a {
		color: darkgoldenrod;
@include respond-max($bp-single-col) {
	a {
		color: green;
@include respond-min-max(narrow, mid) {
	a {
		color: purple;

Better media query example

Rather than having all of your media queries for different widths stored in separate scss files or placed at the bottom of each SCSS partial, we suggest making use of Sass’ nested media queries.

This means that all styles related to an element are together, for example:

a {
	padding: 1em;

	@include respond-min(800) {
		padding: 2em;

CSS Naming scheme

Kickoff uses a bespoke naming scheme for classnames, inspired loosely by the .

This obviously isn’t compulsory to use in your own Kickoff projects, but is documented here as guidance, and is what we use across our Kickoff projects.

/* Descriptors use camel-casing if more than one word: e.g. twoWords */
.form {

/* ========= */

/* Child elements use single hyphens: - */
.form-controlGroup {

/* ========= */

/* Modifier element use a double hyphen: -- */
.form {
.form--horizontal {

/* ========= */

/* Element state: .is- or .has- */
.is-active {

/* ========= */

/* Sass variables use dash-case */
a {
	color: $color-primary;

Module naming helper mixins

In v7, we included some mixins to help keep consistent CSS output. See below:

@include component('foo') {
	margin: auto;

	@include modifier('bar') {
		padding: 20px;

	@include modifier('baz') {
		padding: 50px;

		@include respond-min(mid) {
			padding: 20px;

	@include state('active') {
		background-color: green;
.foo {
  margin: auto;

.foo--bar {
  padding: 20px;

.foo--baz {
  padding: 50px;

@media screen and (min-width: 46.875em) {
  .foo--baz {
    padding: 20px;

.foo.is-active {
  background-color: green;


Kickoff includes a version of Modernizr but it is not used by default. If you are using our new grid and are supporting IE8 or below, you will need it to detect flexbox support. To find out how to use it, see or see our Javascript documentation to find out where it is included.

Where next?